Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Susan Sokol Blosser can't defend her behavior so she sues instead

"We hired crews of Mexican workers to harvest.  It was always difficult to find pickers, because strawberry harvest was at the same time and promised more money with less work."  
Pg. 65-66

"There was no federal program allowing foreign farm workers, but that didn't stop them from coming or us from hiring them.  There was always an abundance of Mexican farm workers in our area, and we were lucky to have them.  It was generally known that most of the workers entered the country illegally...the black market must have been huge.  The whole situation existed under the table.  Everyone knew about it; nobody talked about it."

These are excerpts taken from the book 
"At home in the vineyard" by Susan Sokol Blosser

She is now suing Jim Weidner for this ad:


Hey, Susan Sokol Blosser...Can you say sour grapes??!!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Call Me Senator

So funny,but sadly not far from the truth, let's work "so hard" to get rid of this elitist attitude from our government!


Who does Mary Stern think she is fooling?

Just a small taste of the local politics here in Yamhill county, if they will go this far to deceive the voters I can only imagine how far they will go at the national level.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Twelve Days 'til Voting

I know there are only 10 days left until the election but I think you will all still enjoy this song.....AWESOME, so looking forward to Christmas in November this year!!!!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vote for the GOOD Mary!

Please check out this video, who do you think is the Good Mary and the best person for Yamhill County?!?


Monday, October 18, 2010

What do you really know about Mary Stern's Campaign Manager?

Hear Sal Peralta caught on tape selling Independent Party nominations!

The Right Mary for Yamhill County

I just finished reading my local paper (yes, I sometimes still do that) The Yamhill Valley News-Register.  On the front page is an article by Hannah Hoffman about a criminal probe into the taping of the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce endorsement interviews in Newberg which occurred in April of this year.  In Ms. Hoffman's piece she states that Yamhill County Commissioner Leslie Lewis (the accused) is a "close adviser to Stern's opponent, Mary Starrett."  Sal Peralta, Commissioner Mary Stern's campaign manager, was quoted as saying "Starrett's involvement in something like that wouldn't surprise him, but I'm stunned Lewis would go this far."  It was noted in this same article that Kris Bledsoe "...was taken aback to find Lewis participating in the interviews at all" and "she considered that an obvious conflict of interest."  The article goes on, it is a pretty substantial piece but I wonder why it wasn't mentioned that Sal Peralta is not only Commissioner Stern's campaign manager but that he is also the Secretary of the Independent Party of Oregon or that he himself was given a cease and desist direction from the Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown.  I also wonder why Mary Stern doesn't want to stand by her voting record.  I could tell by watching the video that she was talking about being "fine" paying more taxes personally and she wasn't as Peralta stated "referring to Oregon taxpayers" and that is the PROBLEM.......she wasn't voting in the best interest of Oregon taxpayers when she voted yes on measures 66 and 67.  This is why I'm voting for Mary Starrett to replace Commissioner Stern, I believe she has Oregonians best interests in mind, she also isn't afraid to stand behind her record.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Good Neighbors

We have the best neighbors, Morgan gave up his Sunday afternoon to build frames around these signs then he put them up in his yard.....Thank you!!!


Tolerance for freedom of speech?!?

This is a sign in a field in front of our house, someone decided they didn't like what it said and decided to set it on fire in the middle of the night last night as well as steal 7 Jim Weidner signs......Can you say dirty politics!?


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mary Starrett for Yamhill County Commissioner

Mary Starrett is the Right Choice for Yamhill County or would you rather vote for the "other" Mary, the one who is fine with higher taxes and proudly takes the Lord's name in vain.....the choice is yours.

Do you personally have a problem paying "extra taxes" because Mary Stern is "fine with that"?!

Real classy, don't ya think?

Who would you prefer to represent you?



Only 21 more days.......Let's take our country back!!!


Check these guys out!

If you live and vote in Oregon please check these guys out:

Scott Bruun (District 5) is taking on Congressman Kurt Schrader.

Rob Cornilles (District 1) is running to unseat notoriously pro-abortion (and crazy man) Congressman David Wu.

Art Robinson (District 4) could be one of the best upsets for Oregon is challenging Peter DeFazio.

We won't be fooled again, make sure you check out who you are sending to be YOUR representative and vote!

May God Bless the USA!

Only 21 more days!

There are only 21 more days until November 2nd.
Please make sure you are registered to vote and then make sure
you get out and vote.  WE THE PEOPLE must be heard!!!

In Oregon (my home state) you can register on line at: and select "Register Now" to
update your registration or to become a new voter.
You can also call the Secretary of State's Election
Division at 1-866-ORE-VOTE (673-8683).  The LAST
day to register is October 12 - TODAY.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010