I can not stop thinking about Lara Logan, the American news reporter who was brutalized by a group of supposedly jubilant protesters in Tahrir Square. Maybe I can not stop thinking of her because I am a woman, maybe I cannot stop thinking of her because I am a mom, maybe I cannot stop thinking of her because I am an American who values freedom and liberty or maybe just maybe it goes deeper than that.
I can not help but wonder, would this crime have been perpetuated on a well informed society? What if we had had the truth of what was really happening in Cairo? What if we had been allowed to use common sense and intuition coupled with actual facts and not some sides’ narrative of what they wanted to be occurring. I understand that what happened to Ms. Logan was deeply personal; it was an assault on not just her body but her mind and spirit as well, but this happened to a fellow American citizen, a fellow human being. Why has it taken our leaders so long to react? Where is the demand for justice? Why were they not just as quick to denounce such brutality as they were in the wake of the Arizona shootings? Don’t tell me that the reason we were not bombarded with details and information was because this was a sexual crime. This was the very definition of a hate crime and by not condemning what happened we as a society have become complicit. We have truly been crippled in this country and in deed around the world by so called “political correctness” and the insistence of “civility” which is just another way to censor speech and desensitize us to the TRUTH.
I am incredibly sickened, saddened, angry and sorry that we have allowed ourselves to be deceived and coddled in such a way that we no longer trust what is happening right in front of our very eyes. Why was it so easy for Nidal Hasan to kill 13 people while yelling “Allahu Akbar” at Ft.Hood when there were numerous warnings that he was a threat? Why were we in such a hurry to declare the Duke Lacrosse players guilty before there was even a shred of evidence? Why were two young brothers murdered by a man that was allowed to be in this country illegally? And why are the poor ranchers in Arizona and Texas considered selfish for trying to protect their own property? Why are we in such a hurry to believe the peddlers of lies when they have proven over and over that they have contempt for the truth?
We must as a society search out the truth. Truth does not have an agenda it does not have a narrative that it must fit into. We must look at and study history for that is the best predictor of future events that we have. And finally we must not allow ourselves to be persuaded, flattered, cajoled or bullied into going along with someone’s storyline because we are afraid or because we want to be accepted by the “cool kids”. Yes, people will call us names like racist, bigot, idiot, fear monger, denier and worse and they may even question our sanity as well as our integrity. Well, I say…. so what! Look what listening to them has gotten us. Our schools are horrible and yet we are spending more money on education than ever before. We have higher unemployment after they promised us that we had to spend over $787 Billion dollars to “stimulate” the economy. We have a multitude of regulations to protect snails, owls, butterflies, turtles and the delta smelt, but no regulations to protect our most defenseless preborn human beings. Our children are being handed a legacy of debt and now we have public employees and their union thugs demanding that we as taxpayers pay even more all the while our President is playing his Stradivarius.
I for one have had enough and I will not be silent or complicit any longer. I am not willing to sacrifice our children’s future on a stack of lies. I am so incredibly thankful to know that there are many of you out there with the same resolve and hunger for truth.