Friday, February 25, 2011

Don't forget what President Obama did for school choice

"Barack Obama & the DC School Voucher Program: The president says he wants to do 'what's best for kids.' So why won't he save a proven program that helps low-income students?"

We are all beginning to see that this is not about what is best for our children and their education it is about retaining power and control.

"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army."
~Edward Everett

Bozell: Not Wrestling Girls |

Bozell: Not Wrestling Girls |

“Only in our stupid popular culture is such a position considered controversial.”

Wow, I was really impressed with Joel Northrup who is choosing to live out his principals and convictions rather than bend to the whims of pop culture and what does the lame stream media do?.......chastise and make fun of him.  Just goes to show what their true agenda really is, they are not trying to inform the public they are attempting to shape public opinion to fit their warped sense of values.  This young man chose honor no matter the personal cost, that is true leadership and that should be praised not mocked.  You should be ashamed Rick Reilly and, attempting to bully a 15 year old makes you pretty pathetic indeed.


Stupid in America

I do not understand why we as American citizens should accept this type of utter failure for our children.  Let's look at what doesn't work and get rid of it and start encouraging success.  Education is not a one size fits all solution, we need choices.  We need the teacher's unions to stop fighting We The People and we need to stop accepting mediocraty as something to aim for. 


Waiting for Superman

My husband and I watched this last night and even though we have heard a lot of what was said in the film it was still quite enlightening to SEE it.  I believe there are many more good teachers than bad teachers but the system MUST be changed for our children's sake.  We have done it their way (status quo) long enough and there is plenty of research to prove that it is not working and the ones paying the price are our children.  It appears that truly good educators welcome change and educational competition so how do we go about accomplishing this?


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rep. Michele Bachman on Pigford, Fairness, and Her Family

<span style="color: red">Rep. Michele Bachman on Pigford, Fairness, and Her Family</span>

I think this is a great interview and that it shows the definite bias from the Left if the only place we get our information is from the lame stream media. Even this left wing reporter was surprised at how Rep. Bachman was nothing like how she is portrayed by those with an agenda to make the Right appear stupid, uneducated, uncaring and puppets of the rich. 
It was also great to hear how people with differing ideas can be polite and actually listen to each other.  


Walter E Williams quote from "Kindling for the Racial Bonfire"

"Organizations once part of a proud struggle have now squandered their moral authority.  They are little more than race hustlers championing a racial spoils system.  They no longer seek fair play and a colorblind society; their agenda is one of group rights where quota is king and color blindness is viewed with contempt.  Today's civil rights organizations differ only in degree, not in kind, from white racist organizations past and present."

~Dr. Walter E Williams
p.8 in the book "Do the RIGHT Thing"

Walter E Williams - Ownership and Preservation

Professor Williams explains a secondary benefit of private property rights.

"Those things that receive the Best care are Privately owned and those things that receive the Worst care are Publicly owned or don't belong to the abusers."

We can all learn so much by reading and listening to teachers like Dr. Williams.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

UNION SUPERPOWER! Featuring "Wisconsin Vern"

Only 39 Percent of Wisconsin Public-School Eighth Graders Proficient in Math, Says Department of Education |

Only 39 Percent of Wisconsin Public-School Eighth Graders Proficient in Math, Says Department of Education |

The schools are Not getting any better, yet we are spending more per student and the unions are demanding more, how does this end?


Two-Thirds of Wisconsin Public-School 8th Graders Can’t Read Proficiently—Despite Highest Per Pupil Spending in Midwest |

Two-Thirds of Wisconsin Public-School 8th Graders Can’t Read Proficiently—Despite Highest Per Pupil Spending in Midwest |

So I guess we should spend even more of our hard earned money for these spectacular results.


American Thinker: It's the Teachers, Stupid!

American Thinker: It's the Teachers, Stupid!

We cannot continue to throw more money at a failing system!


What are the teachers of Wisconsin teaching our children?
(if you can't click on link, please cut and paste in browser)

I am sure that I will be accused of spreading hate and not the seeds of civility but we are being fed a bunch of lies by the media, this protest has NOTHING to do with what is best for our children or their education, just check out the test scores and then tell the taxpayers they must pay MORE for these stellar performances.


Monday, February 21, 2011

What really happened in Cairo

I can not stop thinking about Lara Logan, the American news reporter who was brutalized by a group of supposedly jubilant protesters in Tahrir Square.  Maybe I can not stop thinking of her because I am a woman, maybe I cannot stop thinking of her because I am a mom, maybe I cannot stop thinking of her because I am an American who values freedom and liberty or maybe just maybe it goes deeper than that. 

I can not help but wonder, would this crime have been perpetuated on a well informed society?   What if we had had the truth of what was really happening in Cairo? What if we had been allowed to use common sense and intuition coupled with actual facts and not some sides’ narrative of what they wanted to be occurring.  I understand that what happened to Ms. Logan was deeply personal; it was an assault on not just her body but her mind and spirit as well, but this happened to a fellow American citizen, a fellow human being. Why has it taken our leaders so long to react?  Where is the demand for justice?  Why were they not just as quick to denounce such brutality as they were in the wake of the Arizona shootings? Don’t tell me that the reason we were not bombarded with details and information was because this was a sexual crime.  This was the very definition of a hate crime and by not condemning what happened we as a society have become complicit.  We have truly been crippled in this country and in deed around the world by so called “political correctness” and the insistence of “civility” which is just another way to censor speech and desensitize us to the TRUTH. 

I am incredibly sickened, saddened, angry and sorry that we have allowed ourselves to be deceived and coddled in such a way that we no longer trust what is happening right in front of our very eyes.   Why was it so easy for Nidal Hasan to kill 13 people while yelling “Allahu Akbar” at Ft.Hood when there were numerous warnings that he was a threat? Why were we in such a hurry to declare the Duke Lacrosse players guilty before there was even a shred of evidence?  Why were two young brothers murdered by a man that was allowed to be in this country illegally?  And why are the poor ranchers in Arizona and Texas considered selfish for trying to protect their own property? Why are we in such a hurry to believe the peddlers of lies when they have proven over and over that they have contempt for the truth?

We must as a society search out the truth.  Truth does not have an agenda it does not have a narrative that it must fit into.  We must look at and study history for that is the best predictor of future events that we have.  And finally we must not allow ourselves to be persuaded, flattered, cajoled or bullied into going along with someone’s storyline because we are afraid or because we want to be accepted by the “cool kids”.  Yes, people will call us names like racist, bigot, idiot, fear monger, denier and worse and they may even question our sanity as well as our integrity.  Well, I say…. so what!  Look what listening to them has gotten us.  Our schools are horrible and yet we are spending more money on education than ever before.  We have higher unemployment after they promised us that we had to spend over $787 Billion dollars to “stimulate” the economy.  We have a multitude of regulations to protect snails, owls, butterflies, turtles and the delta smelt, but no regulations to protect our most defenseless preborn human beings.  Our children are being handed a legacy of debt and now we have public employees and their union thugs demanding that we as taxpayers pay even more all the while our President is playing his Stradivarius.

I for one have had enough and I will not be silent or complicit any longer.  I am not willing to sacrifice our children’s future on a stack of lies. I am so incredibly thankful to know that there are many of you out there with the same resolve and hunger for truth. 


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Iranium the movie

Please watch this movie, it is only an hour and so important.


Liberty is threatened

“Liberty is threatened today not because of its failure but, some what ironically, because of its success.  Liberty’s counterpart in the economic arena, free markets, has been so successful in eliminating traditional problems like disease, pestilence, hunger, and gross poverty that all other human problems appear both unbearable and inexcusable. 
The desire by many Americans to eliminate the so-called unbearable and inexcusable problems has led us astray from those basic ideals and principles on which our prosperous country was built.  In the name of other ideals, such as equality of income, sex and race balance, orderly markets, consumer protection, energy conservation, and environmentalism, just to name a few, we have abandoned many personal freedoms.  As a result of widespread control by government in an effort to achieve these so-called higher objectives, people have been subordinated to the point where considerations of personal freedom are but secondary or tertiary matters.  The ultimate end to this process is totalitarianism, which is no more than a reduced form of servitude.”
-Dr. Walter E. Williams

If you don’t believe this then ask yourself why you now have fewer choices when it comes to light bulbs, dish washing soap, toilets, shower heads, health care, jobs, schools and heaven forbid you are one of the few smokers left on the planet. 


They are still laughing

I wonder how long until they pull this video?


Just because youtube doesn't like this, doesn't mean you shouldn't see it

I posted this video in the longer form earlier under the title "They are laughing at us" apparently the people at Bloomberg and youtube decided to pull it, but I have found this shorter version and I still think it is relevant.  Please view it while you still can.



The intelligentsia keep trying to insist that the "science is settled" yet they won't debate the facts, even the co-founder of Greenpeace denies that man can change the weather. And what's more, is that this false alarmism is driving us through scare tactics to adopt energy policies that will create even more poverty.  This is about power and keeping people dependent on government for the essentials of life, it has nothing to do with what is best for humanity.


Global Warming Fear

I can remember as a kid when they told us we were going to freeze because of global cooling and the hole in the ozone caused by my hairspray.


Israel Defying the Odds

May God continue to bless this impressive little country!


They are laughing at us

Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report does not mince words.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Counting on God

We were led in worship with this song yesterday and I am still humming it. Thanks Brian and the rest of our New Hope family, you will never know the extent of the love and joy that you inspire.


American Thinker: Sarah Palin and the Legacy of Republican 'Idiocy'

American Thinker: Sarah Palin and the Legacy of Republican 'Idiocy'

I will take Sarah Palin's "Idiocy" over Barack Obama's "Brilliance" any day, at least she loves her country and respects The Constitution.
