Wednesday, April 20, 2011

American Thinker Blog: The news you'll never see

American Thinker Blog: The news you'll never see

It is so interesting that the lame stream media in our own back yard REFUSES to report on the vile, disgusting, racist, anti-American vitriol that was spewed out at us as we sang the national anthem and commenced to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers at our Oregon Tea Party event.  A special thanks goes out to the Portland Police Officers that kept us all safe.  I suppose that it just doesn't fit the narrative that the left is the side of civility and compassion when they were the ones screaming the F*bomb around families and calling a black conservative a "token" and "a house black".  So, even though these events happened in Portland's living room right outside of KGW, there were no reporters to be found.  Thank goodness enough of us had cameras so that we could help all those tolerant peace loving admirers of government redistribution realize their ultimate dream of ending up on FOX News, O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck and Breitbart. 


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