Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Liberty is threatened

“Liberty is threatened today not because of its failure but, some what ironically, because of its success.  Liberty’s counterpart in the economic arena, free markets, has been so successful in eliminating traditional problems like disease, pestilence, hunger, and gross poverty that all other human problems appear both unbearable and inexcusable. 
The desire by many Americans to eliminate the so-called unbearable and inexcusable problems has led us astray from those basic ideals and principles on which our prosperous country was built.  In the name of other ideals, such as equality of income, sex and race balance, orderly markets, consumer protection, energy conservation, and environmentalism, just to name a few, we have abandoned many personal freedoms.  As a result of widespread control by government in an effort to achieve these so-called higher objectives, people have been subordinated to the point where considerations of personal freedom are but secondary or tertiary matters.  The ultimate end to this process is totalitarianism, which is no more than a reduced form of servitude.”
-Dr. Walter E. Williams

If you don’t believe this then ask yourself why you now have fewer choices when it comes to light bulbs, dish washing soap, toilets, shower heads, health care, jobs, schools and heaven forbid you are one of the few smokers left on the planet. 


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