Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healthcare is a Good, Not a Right!

A right stems from our humanity, a good is something you buy or someone else buys for you. Those who claim that healthcare is a right simply want to extend a form or government welfare. It is impossible to be charitable with someone else’s money. Charity comes from your own heart not from the government spending your money.

*When we pay our taxes to the government and it gives that money away, that is NOT charity, it is WELFARE.
*When the government takes more from us than it needs to secure our freedoms so it can give some of that money away, that is NOT charity, it is THEFT.
*When the government forces hospitals and doctors offices to provide free healthcare to those who can’t or won’t care for themselves, that is NOT charity, it is SLAVERY.

What we have now is Constitutional Chaos because the government steals and enslaves We the People.


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